About A&I Avenues
Who We Are
A&I Avenues is the Case Management Agency (CMA) for people with disabilities living in Boulder, Broomfield, and Gilpin counties. To receive services from A&I Avenues, an individual must qualify for one or more of eleven Colorado long-term care waivers or one or more of four additional state-funded programs.
A waiver is an extra set of Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid program) benefits, for which those in need of long-term services and supports may qualify in certain cases. These waiver benefits are designed to help individuals remain in their home-setting of choice in their community of choice.
A&I Avenues recognizes that each person we serve is a unique individual, with their own unique needs, goals, and desires for their lives. Our mission is to help support each individual in navigating the avenues that will best help them to reach their objectives.
Our Staff
A&I Avenues staff members help create a vibrant team full of dedicated people working to create new and innovative approaches to providing services for people with disabilities living in Boulder, Broomfield, and Gilpin counties.
Providing services to people with disabilities requires creativity, passion, and an array of professional skills. A&I Avenues constantly evaluates our processes, explores best practices, and searches out upcoming trends in our fields to remain at the cutting edge of services and ensure that the individuals we serve have access to every opportunity possible.
And, we support the morale, professional development, and wellness of each member of our team so that we can best support others!